Monday, March 14, 2011


How do you define a moment? By the people? The place? Or what was happening? I honestly believe that all four of them are incredibly responsible for making a moment. This crossed my mind the other night as I was getting home. I'd had a really rough week and needed a night out with people who make me laugh and truly care about me... so i decided after I got off work that i would go out for drinks with a few people from work. I was hesitant at first cause while I love them, none of them have ever seen me in a drinking lets party setting... mostly because I don't really have that setting to, to often. Anyway I went and ended up having one of the most fun nights that I've had in quite a while. I mean drinks, meeting new people, and a little dancing. It was great and it gave me an opportunity to see my co-workers a little differently, even thought I'm pretty sure they still don't know exactly who i am. At that moment it makes me curious what really made that night fun... I didn't wear heels, I didn't throw down a buncha money on drinks, and we literally went right after work just to the bar across the street at our local Applebee's. So what made the moment? Did all the stars align and give me this great fun night and it just works that way that things just keep working like that? after all a moment is only what you take it for...
So after some thought and a five hour drive with two of the girls from work to Galveston.. and an interesting dinner... I think I've decided that it is the company, the area, but it is also how you make it. Cause I'm sure any situation can be turned if you wanted to. But I wanted to laugh and have fun Saturday night and ended up staying out till somewhere around four or five in the morning... and yesterday was up early to leave Dallas and late to go to sleep because we were talking and cutting up and having a good time.
So cut and dried I think these moments are to precious and worth while to believe anything other than they come around when you decide that you truly need and want these moments.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I spent this last weekend in Louisiana, to be a little more specific in the heart of Louisiana. My cousin lives in Baton Rouge, and we decided to have a girls weekend... This included a trip to New Orleans where Mardi Gras is well under-way. It was like an overload to the senses. The atmosphere is vibrant, and full of life and food... oh goodness the food... its no wonder there are no skinny people there... just like their atmosphere, the food is rich with color and life. While it is definitely not the prettiest city it is one of the few cities in the United States that has a life and rhythm all its own. which for a smaller city is unusual. I already have some kind of weird connection to Louisiana just because I love that state even though I've never lived there .... aside from my home state of course... Louisiana has a charm all its own, and for people who have never been there well I recommend a trip... however understand that Louisiana is not for everyone. Its mostly a swamp, but it has a mysterious bayou thing going for it. It is truly a place to let your imagination run away with you.

The cascading trees that are so deeply rooted in the murky water. the bases of the trees that spread to keep them firmly planted in the swamp. Its as if the trees themselves have a story to tell. The houses in the middle of the swamp their own personal city. each house giving refuge for the people who call the swamp home. while these houses are often times modest, the appearance on the outside can be deceiving.. The insides are full of life and love. A love that does not just stem from the people but also from the food, vibrance, and mystique of the swamp. It has a life and love all its own and each night as the sun sets over the swamp the swamps musical begins, the lightning bugs flash on and off the moonlight sets a spotlight on the frogs who have a unique quartet all its own, as the crickets join in to add the the sound the lullaby if you will.... See what i mean it is so easy to let your imagination run away with you.

Anyway I cannot tell you how vibrant and colorful the city is. It seems to engage all of your senses... the smell of boiled crawfish and food are fragrant in the air, around the square in the french quarter are all the painters peddling their unique images of the city and the color of the city, the sound of chatting people and music coming out of the restaurants and flooding the streets. The men playing in a quartet in the corner, the boys tap dancing with crushed cans on the bottom of their shoes. It is almost an overload to the senses... 

And since when i was there the celebration of Mardi Gras was in full swing. The masks and even more colors than before. Beads for days, colorful drinks, colorful masks, and lots and lots of purple, gold, and green. I believe it is an experience of a lifetime and possibly one of the best ways to engage all your senses and to experience a totally different culture... to just immerse yourself in culture and tradition. I cant think of a better way to spend my weekend...