When I was a little girl I was going to live happily ever after.. as I grew so did my expectations and somewhere around the age of 12 that included my very own song with all the animals singing and possibly cleaning my room with me. A few years later that once upon a time included a happily ever after, a song with the animals, AND my very own prince charming. White horse and all I'm talking deluxe prince charming people. Disney gives us all these princesses and happily ever afters, but it's not just Disney. Disney just ties in my movie theory and my own happily ever after dream. I remember staring awe faced at the television as I watched Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping beauty, but the same holds true all these years later.
When you go to a movie a part of you leaves reality, and for that two hours reality is suspended. But when that movie is over and you step into the daylight or the evening breeze the spell is broken, and the real world is once again at your finger tips waiting for you to claim your story.
Books, Movies these both give the mind something to ponder, the rip the reality from us and thus takes flight fighting aliens, a total hottie fighting the dragon, winning the big game or race, there is no limiting it.
Life doesn't come in a pretty box with a ribbon, that is something I'm very slowly learning. Even after all that I still whole heatedly believe in my Happily ever after. I know now that I am going to have to go take my happily ever after.
So here is my encouragement to you, I put my combat boots on face paint, I am dressed for full on combat. I am going to fight for what I want, and I so very much hope that the rest of my generation gets the hint and puts their boots on to. The only thing that should ever be handed out without a struggle is forgiveness.
Don't worry I've got my heels in my duffel to :)