Saturday, July 2, 2011

Believe in me

   How often do we as people forget about our fellow man. Yes we are busy in our own lives and sometimes... OK, OK most of the time people we only deal with in passing people in our lives. What about the people you want to keep in close to you? This all occurred to me last night when I was talking to one of my friends at the bar. He's such a great guy and has only just recently been allowing me to really see who he is. The more I see of him the more I am convinced that he is a better guy than anyone thinks, and that he is worth more time than anyone gives him credit for. Any girl would be lucky to have this guy, now if only I could convince him of this.

    Ok  back on track though, the point in starting this is, I never in a million years expected to hear the words that he hated seeing me in my work uniform. Earlier in the evening he had told me exactly how he sees me. Which I always think is interesting cause most of the time it's quite a bit off the mark, he told me that he thought I was hiding by working where we work. He believes in me. Believes that I'm better than what I'm doing with my life and that I'm selling myself short.
       Don't get me wrong I am VERY aware of where I am, but something that he doesn't see that I see is that being here isn't just about me. Its about the people who's paths I cross. I am hiding at my job, but for some reason I'm just not ready to leave. Maybe it is fear, maybe it is complacency, or maybe I am selling myself short. Whatever the reason I didn't realize that it was so obvious that I was keeping myself here. I know that if I stay where I am much longer that my "light" will go out. However that being said I also believe because I didn't follow Gods instruction the first time that he is teaching me a lesson by being here, and maybe His promise to me did have a shelf life and I didn't use it before it expired.
    I say that to say when you have someone who you think highly of and you find that they think highly of you and that they wish to see better for you just as you do for them, it is kind of like being slapped in the face. you stand and stare stunned just for a minuet. Thinking to yourself did that really just happen??
      I wish I could tell him how much what he said shook me. He should know that, that is what I've been waiting to hear. I also wish that I could really express to him just how much I believe in him. I've mentioned it to him before, however he is not ready to really hear what I have to say.
Just another example of learning to say what you feel and whats on your heart. It might just be exactly what needs to be heard to encourage someone to step out of the fear and into the light.
 "Let your words light the way"