Friday, November 19, 2010


I think the best part of the Fourth of July, which i greatly missed this year while i was over seas, is going out to a field and in the pitch black of the summer evening a rocket shoots into the sky and ends in an explosion of color. As the colors explode in the sky for those few seconds it seems the whole world is holding its breath. I would compare this moment to those moments in life when you truely let go and just see what happens. It seems those are the moments when personality and character explode with colour. Unfortunately those moments seem to be few and far inbetween for people. I know that every day i have one of these moments. maybe not all day, but at least for a second in the day. It has nothing to do with being invincable, its just a matter of giving yourself a few mins. of your own time. Sometimes its easier said than done, but those few mins sometimes make the day worth your time. Maybe after you take those few mins you get a txt message that makes you smile and then BOOM there is your firework for the day. I hate that schools are having so much trouble with their youth. Even more i see more and more people my own age settlign for mediocrity. Not just for life in general but for themselves. Wasted talent. In no way am i fully innocent for wasting talent. I have piles of untapped talent that i only use when it suits me, and it makes me CRAZY that i sell myself short. So repeat after me, " I WILL NO LONGER SELL MYSELF SHORT, BECAUSE I'M WORTH IT" .
Oh look aren't the fireworks beautiful?

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