Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mirror Mirror

  " Mirror Mirror on the wall why must i be so tall
              I hate my hair, its just not fair.
          Help me change the things I see
          For it's beautiful I long to be"

Why is it that every person can look in the mirror and see one flaw in themselves, but when we look at our neighibors all we see is perfection? Is that part of the age old coveting things we don't have and forgetting all the things we do? This thought struck me today as i was eating lunch at work with my friends. I look across the table and my friend is eating and I know she hopes the guy we work with will look her way, but does it ever cross her mind just how talented she is artistically? and she doesn't do anything with it. I would LOVE to be able to be just as creatively artistic as she is, however i am only mildly artistic. My other friend is sitting across frrom me and i look at her life and think,
                                    IF ONLY i were as put together as she is. IF ONLY.
           But do I realize that her calling and mine are at total different ends of the spectrum? The only boy in our entire staff thats on the floor comes and eats with us, and he is so stinkin smart and cute to boot, but I think he's so hooked on how much he's been hurt in the past that he won't really let any of us very close. What a loss, not only for him but also for us. Why is it that people take the bad and blow it up so big that they almost miss all the good.
         As a Christian woman I am supposed to know that I am a Princess in His royal court. There is no part of me, my spirit, my personality, or just plain ole me that the Father doesn't love no matter how I act or what I say and do. However I cannot help but long for what is not mine. I was created to a perfect design for me. So why do I hide parts of myself from everyone else. Why do I want to change what I personally do not deem as perfect? As a generation why do we wish to change what might seem imperfect?
        I think I have part of the answer.. or maybe just the answer to myself. And suprisingly enough if came from a conversation with the same people a week earlier at lunch... ( there seems to be some pattern here)
We were talking about how women make men into jerks, and one thing comes out of their mouth but another follows with actions and it's totally different. What bothered me most about this particular conversation is that it was all "we". very very vague and general. of course each girl is the exception to one rule, but what if we are all the exception to every sterotypical rule? So that is my answer I see the flaws and wish to change them or make them different when actually I'm just the exception to the sterotype.
 "mirror mirror on the wall, maybe i'm not the fairest of them all...
              but what the heck do you know you're just a mirror"
- H.F

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