Saturday, February 12, 2011


Sitting in bed, and my mind is going ninty miles an hour. I mean everywhere at the same time. Mostly over the mistakes of the day. I wonder if I"m the only person who sometimes has to completely give up on sleep due to a heavy concious. Is it possibly that the concisous is so powerful that it can actually deprive you of a restful sleep? Given time to process the day seems to be a dangerous thing. How many times over the course of the day have I truly thought of somthing other than the immediate task that was at hand. Then suddenly its time to shut everything down and my brain races over the happenings of the day. "Oh I should have said this. Oh i wish i would have done that differently. I should have timed that better. Do I still have my best friend from highschool? Wonder how my sister is feeling today." I mean really can we just calm down, then I'm thinking about the guy at work and how I've been a crap friend to him the last two days. Which really sucks cause I don't exactally see him very often. He had a crap day yesterday and I'm sure I didn't help that.
Is there an off switch somewhere I desparately need some good sleep, just like I had yesterday.
        Which brings me to my next question. Why is it that this didn't bother me yesterday? Is it a concious choice? I vaguely remeber thinking yesterday that I should really get up and check for why my phones library suddenly said it was empty, the told myself it would be there to figure out in the morning and not to worry. Is this the same situation? Ok so I guess my solution to this in all my knowledge.... I should try to be a better person during the day so I can sleep like a baby at night.

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