Sunday, May 1, 2011

Glory in the Flower

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind.
Almost twelve hours earlier I was blissfully laying by the pool, thinking how blessed I have been that I have yet to see real tragedy and anguish. A car wrapped around a tree and a friend taking their own life. But now there I go jumping ahead of myself again.
DAY OF FUN!! Thats how my Saturday morning started.. I left the movie in the early hours and after four short hours of sleep I woke up again, coffee with mom, and then out to Lewisville to a HUGE house to lounge by the pool and eat fijitas.. THAT is how my " Day Of Fun" began, you should know that as far as people go I have seen very very very little tragedy, minimal anguish, and really it's been a easy life. Of course after thinking this I was informed that a friend had died, 26, and full of life, a fabulous guy. How in the world could God have taken that guy? He's so young, and such promise!! I just talked to him for his birthday!! A little cloud starts to hover over my "Day of Fun" but I press on. Laying by the pool of the "mini-mansion" drinking a mimosa i get the text that no one should ever have to recieve. My only thought was and still is " GOD WHY WOULD HE TAKE HIS OWN LIFE?!" -- Day Of Fun is officially rained on and struck by the sad stick. After finishing 'Day &Night of fun" I make my way home... mind you its around 2am only to find that i have to take the back way to my house and pull up to my street only to find that there is a car wrapped around a tree in my front yard. He was 23 and just bought his car today, been out drinking with his friends took the dip in the road to fast and took out the bottom quarter of the light pole before being wrapped around the tree... My heart was already hurting when the officer approched me and talk about foot in mouth syndrome, my first question " Officer is everyone ok?" He died on impact and his dad showed up nearly thirty min's later to see what was left of his son and car... I've never seen anything like it it's shaken my to the core. Seeing five firemen using the jaw's of life to cut someone out of a car when the person has been gone from the second he took out the lightpole... I cannot even begin to describe the hurt and anger and unbelievable sadness.
My day of fun was exactally that. I laughed and laughed and spent time with friends who love me and with a mother who loves me. But laced with that joy is the knowledge that no matter how old you are or how young there are some things that no one should ever see and seeing a parent outlive their child is one of them. The choices we make in life don't only reflect in our own future they reflect is so many others as well, cherish the life you have because you only get one... and remember the splendor in the grass and..
the glory in the flower.

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