Monday, April 11, 2011

Hello, this is life calling.

Have you ever wondered exactally who you are? By this I don't mean your name and address and what you want to be when you grow up... I mean really who you are.. I am in no way pointing an accusing finger or trying to call anyone out. Mostly because I also have NO IDEA who I am. I know I'm going to school to be a journalist, spacifically in International/Intercultural Communications. I know that I love to travel, and that my life is not the regular cookie cutter life that most people have. I am not going to finish school in four years, and then get a job and get married and have kids. That life is not for me. It's just not. Amazing that everyone wants to shut you in a cookie cutter box.

One of my oldest guy friends is like that, and I cannot imagine why he is in such a rush. Like he's in such a hurry to start living his life... At the womens conference this weekend we had a speaker who covered this and the reality that you've been living your life. LIFE ALREADY STARTED. I'm so very guilty of this. I mean super guilty.. In lower school, the thought was when i get to highschool, in highschool, well when i get to college, in college now my story is well when i graduate.. when am i going to stop pre planning and just start living.
I have a great life. Please take note that i said great life not perfect. I have really really great friends all of them very very different, I have a job that some days makes me crazy but others is not so bad, i have a very promising future, and a family that loves me through my stupid mistakes and all. So why is it that i keep life at bay. is it because i'm afraid of failing at life? or is it as simple over living? Are we guilty of letting life mar our identity?

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