Monday, February 14, 2011


Love is Patient...
 Love is Kind...
Love is letting someone see the whole of you and not being afraid they will go running....
Love is tender...

Love, how many different ways it has been defined, used, abused, and given as the ultimate gift.Today is Valentines day the Hallmark Holiday and somthing about Cupid, but most importantly the day of 'Love'. Every single girls worst nightmare, every husbands and boyfriends day to shine or be in the dog house for the next three days. But what is an accurate picture of Love? I'm 21 (thats right and my blog has Hot Flash in the title) and my entire generation has a warped perception of love, the only people I know that are still married are my grandparents, not only married but truely in love. My grandfather died last year of alzheimers, he may not have remebered us or a lot of other things but one thing he never forgot was how much he loved my grandmother. He wasn't perfect and neither was she, but they loved all of eachother the good, the bad, and the rediculous. The one thing I do know about love.....
       Like every girl I hope for a happily ever after, and my prince to come and sweep me off my feet, however, no matter how much I believe in the fairytale... I know that, that perfection can be stifling to love. Love is the tenderness that comes from knowing that you're not perfect, and there is no need to always be perfect. Also whatever crazy came up with sex is love... is delusional. Sure its a physical bond and a key to a good relationship and a strong love but it is not love. I'm so sad for people who view it that way and then find the real deal and have to fight through all the old habits and feelings... No thank you. Love. Love your neighibor...Love. Love those who may not deserve your love...Love.
       So many types of Love, Love for friends, Love for family, Love for a significant other, and yet it still has no clearly defined meaning, or boundries for that matter. What is Love?
Well here is my take in a nutshell... Love is a comfortable, tenderness that accepts the whole of a personality. What can i say i'm just putting the pieces together. 

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't even looking for a man when Ian popped into my life. I was frizzy haired, no makeup, a sexual military uniform, and frazzeled at the seem with nerves. But he could feel the connection like I could and when BootCamp was over decided that he would give us the chance. And here we are almost two years later. Love is knowing that when your hair is crazy, and you haven't shaved in three days, when your breath stinks right after waking up, and when you gain weight... He looks at you and Loves what he sees. I'm not perfect. Stands to reason that I am unemployed, and I've gained weight. But Ian loves me and boy howdy do I love him. The right guy will be there, sometimes you really do have to stop looking, stop thinking, and stop fretting... and BAM it hits you like a lead balloon to the gut. But mostly, Love is selfless, its consuming, its complete, and it's fascinating.
    Love you sister!
