Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More than a piece of meat

It seems that in this day and age young women have really stepped out and have openly shown their taste when it comes to men. Or maybe it's just me getting older, either way it's something I've noticed. And I can't help but think are men feeling the same way I feel when this happens to me, heck is it even fair to make that assessment of men? I get a whistle and I think you know what I'm so very glad you find me attractive, but you should know that I'm not just a piece of meat, I'm smart, I'm funny ( kind of corny), and I have big dreams.
        Well talking to my sister the other day I realized... I have become one of those women that says," oh my jeez did you see that hottie... YUMM" and it seems to possess my conversation. I would like to put on the table that it does not consume my thoughts, but seems to be the hot spot of open conversation with people like my sister and some of my very close friends, that much I'm grateful for because they all know that I'm intelligent and not really a slut and my boy issues are usually very containable, but none the less it dominates my conversation.
                                                             I HATE THAT.
I hate that I look at a person and immediately think " mm he's yumm-o" or " oh no thank you" what if he's a super prick but super yumm-o? what if he's one of those guys who has a killer personality and a super smile but you have to get to know them? I hate not seeing past the appearances. At one point that's all i saw was past the appearance.. As of late I see the appearance first then look to see whats underneath. "Well how can you see whats underneath if you only see a person in passing" let me tell you something I'm a people watcher and always have been, as a result I see things most don't. And trust me it's an art. But back to the subject at hand. If I don't want to be perceived as a piece of meat shame on me for looking at guys like that and expecting to not be seen as such by them. 

        One day I would love to really delve deep into how people perceive each other, however I'm sure that requires some form of Doctoral degree, of which I currently do not possess. So for now knowing that I, myself am guilty of this is half the battle.

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